Related Pages
- Little Wrens Pre-school
- Nursery - Penguins Class page
- Reception - Pelicans & Swans Class Page
- Year 1 - Owls & Eagles Class Page
- Year 2 - Kingfishers & Seagulls Class Page
- Year 3 - Jays & Ravens Class Page
- Year 4 - Robins & Bluebirds Class Page
- Year 5 - Ospreys & Starlings Class Page
- Year 6 - Toucans & Puffins Class Page
- Maths Zone
- English Zone
- E-safety
Year 3
Jays and Ravens Class Pag
Welcome to the Year 3 page with Miss Edwards and Mr Wiedeman.
What a busy term we have planned! Keep checking the year group page to keep up to date with all the exciting learning activities the children have been taking part in. Don't forget to look at the half termly class blog to see what is going on in Year 3.
- Year 3 PE takes place on a Monday. Please send your child to school in their PE kit on this day.
- Home learning is set and due on a Friday.
- See the Diary Listings page under the 'News' tab for all key dates.
Please watch the presentation about our upcoming Young Voices Concert
If you have any questions then please do not hesitate to see one of us at the end of the school day, or contact us via the school office.
Miss Edwards and Mr Wiedeman
- Year 3/4 Curriculum Words
- Autumn 1
- Autumn 2
- Spring 1
- Spring 2
- Summer 1
- Summer 2